Web Application and Enterprise Programming in J2EE

  • TTDG02
  • Classroom
  • Intermediate
  • Thai | 0
Digital Technology

Course description

Days :
5 Day(s)
Duration :
30 Hour(s)
Time :
09:00:00 - 16:00:00
Training Date :
04 August 2025 - 08 August 2025
Status :
Open Register
Language :
Venue :
Software Park Training Room 3rd floor, Software Park Building Chaengwattana Road, Pakkred Nonthaburi
Type :
Web Application and Enterprise Programming in J2EE

This course introduces developers, that familiar with Java Programming, to the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE). It covers all the necessary topics, techiques, and examples needed to Web Application and full scale enterprise

A working knowledge of Windows, HTML and some programming experience in C or Pascal.

This course introduces Java technologies and advanced Java programming techniques: These includes Server/Client Programming; Database Connectivity API (JDBC); Java Bean; Java Remote Method Invocation API (RMI); Java Servlets and Java Server Pages.

- J2ee Architecture for Web Application and Enterprise Programming
- JDBC, JavaMail, JNDI, JMS, Servlet, JSP, EJB, and Web Service.
- Introducing Apache, Tomcat, Jame, MySQL, Sun One, and JBoss.

Java Database Connection (Jdbc)
- Jdbc/Odbc Drivers and Connecting to a Commercial DBMS (Access).
- SQL from a java program: open table, select, insert, and update.
- Meta-data. And Transaction.

- SMTP and POP3 Protocols
- Sending and Retrieving Mail with JavaMail API
- Mail Status, Multi-Part Message and Files Attachment

Java Naming and Directory Interfaces (JNDI)
- Name service, Directory service, and JNDI service provider
- Storing and Retrieving Java Object in Name service
- Intoducing LDAP and Basic LDAP Operations

Java Message Service (JMS)
- Publishing, Subscribing, and Receiving Messages
- Point-to-Point Messaging
- Message Format and Types

- Client-side networking: Socket and ports
- Server-side networking: ServerSocket
- UDP Datagrams
- URL class: openStream(), openConnection(), and getConnection()
- Http Server: HTTP, MIME, and CGI programming in Java

Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
- Remote Interface, UnicastRemoteObject, and RemoteException
- RMISecurityManager, security policy, Rmiregistry,
- Naming, rebind(), and lookup()
- Remote Parameter Passing Mechanism, Remote Call Back
- Remote Activatable Objects

- CosNaming, NamingContext, and NameComponent
- IDL, and idlj.exe, Implementing Server and Client
- Persistent Remote Object, Remote Call Back, Delegation
- Stringified Reference and RMI-IIOP

XML Parsing With Java
- Parsing XML with SAX, DOM, JDOM and JAXP
- Transforming XML with XSLT
- Using XPATH

- Servlet and Servlet Container in TomCat and Sun One.
- Web Components, .war files and Web App Conficguration.
- Request, Response, Parameters, and Attribute,
- Http Tunneling, and Dispatcher.
- Session Tracking: URL Rewriting, Hidden Fields, Cookies, and Sessions
- Web Application Listeners and Filters.
- Web App authentication.

JavaServer Page (JSP)
- JSP Engine: Developing JSP in TomCat and Sun One.
- Scripting elements: declaration, scriptlet, and expression
- Implicit objects, and request parameters
- Directives: page, taglib, Standard Actions, Jsp Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL) , Custom Jsp Tags
- Introducing Struts and Java Server Faces

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
- Defining Interface, Implementation, and Deploying the Bean
- Session Bean, Entity Bean, CMP, and BMP.
- Remote/Local Interface, Container Managed Relationships.
- Message-Driven Beans and Transactions
- JAX-RPC, Session Bean As A Web Service, JAX-PRC Service Endpoint Model.

Payment can be made by:

  1. Cash or Credit Card or Bank Cheque payable to"สำนักงานพัฒนาวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีแห่งชาติ" (a post-dated cheque is not accepted) on the first day of the service or within the last day of the service.
  2. Account transfer and send the proof of the payment (the deposit slip) via email ttd@swpark.or.th
    • ธนาคารกรุงเทพ สาขาอุทยานวิทยาศาสตร์
      Saving Account Number: 080-0-00001-0
      Account Name: สำนักงานพัฒนาวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีแห่งชาติ
    • ธนาคารกรุงไทย สาขาตลาดไท
      Saving Account Number: 152-1-32668-1
      Account Name: สำนักงานพัฒนาวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีแห่งชาติ


  • Withholding tax (3%) is exempt.
  • Should you need to withdraw, you must send the notice of the withdrawal in writing no later than 7 working days before the commencement date. The cancellation less than 7 days will be subject to a fine of 40% of the fee.
  • Software Park Thailand reserves the rights to cancel courses due to unforeseen circumstances.

Contact Person

For more information, contact our course coordinator on:

Songsiri Sittikun
Tel: +66-2583-9992 Ext. 81426
Email: songsiri@swpark.or.th

You are encouraged to use the course schedule as a guide to plan your training. The schedule is accessible at www.swpark.or.th for more information.

15,000 THB .

(ราคายังไม่รวม Vat 7%)
สำคัญ!!! กรุณารอการยืนยันเปิดการอบรมจากเจ้าหน้าที่ก่อนการชำระค่าลงทะเบียน

Enroll now

Course Detail :
Days :
5 Day(s)
Duration :
30 Hour(s)
Time :
09:00:00 - 16:00:00
Training Date :
04 August 2025 - 08 August 2025
Status :
Open Register

Instructor info
Dr.Werasak Suengtaworn
